SOP for the Covid-19 Alert Subdistrict, Guidelines for Handling the Pandemic in Jakarta

For an entire month in March 2021, a series of preparations for the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Covid-19 Alert Subdistrict was carried out together with the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Rawabunga Subdistrict.
In addition to involving the Task Force, preparing the SOP also involves representatives from vulnerable community groups, children’s groups, Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) and Community Based Child Protection System (CBCPS) cadres, and Neighborhood Unit (RT) and Community Unit (RW) representatives.
The process of preparing this SOP was facilitated by consultants Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) from Regional Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD) DKI Jakarta Province to improve preparedness to prevent and overcome Covid-19 at the WVI partner subdistrict level as well as encouraging subdistricts to adapt preparedness and respond to potential disaster threats and recover immediately from the adverse effects of natural disasters in the Covid-19 pandemic situation.
This process begins with conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with vulnerable community groups and children’s groups, followed by a series of workshops.
Currently, the SOP has been signed by the Subdistrict Head of Rawabunga, Agustina, SKM, M.Si. It has been socialized to representatives of Task Force, (Neighborhood Unit) RT and (Community Unit) RW representatives, and elements of community groups involved and plays a role in implementing the SOP.
She hopes that the SOP in handling Covid-19 can be implemented in the Rawabunga Subdistrict and can be adopted by other subdistricts.
It didn’t just stop there, after the SOP had been implemented, WVI and the subdistrict also developed plans to increase the capacity of the task force so that later they would be able to carry out their roles and implement the SOP.
In August, WVI has also increased knowledge and skills for IYCF cadres in Rawabunga Subdistrict, because their role is crucial in implementing SOP, especially during this pandemic, Integrated Health Post (posyandu) activities are not running optimally, so the role of IYCF cadres is very important to provide education to mothers of children aged in under two years.
“I would like to thank Wahana Visi Indonesia and also to Mr. Anton as a consultant from Regional Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD) who has initiated to develop guidelines for the COVID-19 Task Force. This is carried out by stages from residents at the community level and subdistrict environments. So together, with the synergy of existing institutions, communities, and religious leaders, we can complete the SOP for handling COVID-19. Hopefully, this can be a guideline for preparedness in the event of an epidemic, pandemic, and other disasters. It can be the basis for us to carry out an activity. Once again, I express my gratitude and appreciation. I hope that our collaboration and our synergy will continue and be beneficial for the people in the Rawabunga Subdistrict,” Agustina concluded.
Written by: Hermawati, Program Coordinator Area Program Jakarta Wahana Visi Indonesia
Translatted by: Klaudia Mawuntu, Intern Wahana Visi Indonesia