Sparking Hope in Every Child's Heart

Anil Dawan has known WVI for about 24 years. In the last nine years, he joined as a staff member. Today, Anil works as the Faith and Development department leader at WVI's national office.
"WVI is my home. WVI is my calling. WVI is part of my way of making life meaningful, not only for my relationship with God but also to express my social concerns," he says.
In retrospect, Anil has known WVI since he was an elementary school student at Blitar in the 1980s. He was one of the former sponsored child when WVI was still known as World Vision Indonesia.
At that time, WVI ran a program aimed at the well being of children through financial support for education and nutrition. "I was a sponsored child from the time I entered elementary school until I graduated from high school in 1993. My sponsor was from Australia and they were diligent in their correspondence, asking me simple questions about my life, but it made me feel like I had people praying for me, helping me even though I lived far away in a different country," said Anil.
Through the program at the time, Anil received financial support for his education that was used to pay his school fees every month, as well as other expenses. But for him, WVI's support has a much deeper meaning. "The impact that WVI's work had on me personally was that I found hope and aspiration," he says.
For a child living in vulnerability, support from others is not only limited to gifts or letters, but also relationships. From these relationships come what Anil and other sponsored child feel is love, care and hope. "WVI gives hope that grows in every child. In addition to the support and prayers from many people including my family, this hope goes along with goals I want to achieve," he concluded.
For Anil, the hope that WVI and sponsors put in his heart is like a seed that flourishes. So, when Anil is faced with limitations and challenges, he remains confident that whatever he tries can certainly succeed. This value is also what he passes on to his children today.
If in 2023, WVI celebrates 25 years of service, then a figure like Anil is an example of a seed that is planted and bears fruit, even the fruit becomes a blessing for others. The programs that WVI implements are really matter to a child. Not because of the value, amount, or form of support, but because it sparks hope.
For children in the remote areas, hope is often lost. But WVI's work with children, supported by sponsors, can bring that hope back. WVI goes to these places so that each child can grow up in love, feel the care of others, and have a spark of hope that continues to live until he or she can become an empowered human being.
"We sow good seeds in the children we assist today. And I am sure, these good seeds will grow," said Anil, which is a message for each of us.
Author: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)