Spreading the Spirit of Stunting Prevention by Strengthening GenRe

Preventing stunting effectively demands a comprehensive approach that spans multiple generations and groups of people. One crucial aspect is active engagement, and that is where the Generasi Berencana (GenRe) Forum stands out. GenRe, established by the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), aims to empower adolescents, fostering a generation that plans ahead for the future. GenRe targets adolescents and young people under the age of 40 and operates at multiple levels, from sub-district to provincial level, throughout Indonesia.
The Partnership to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Indonesia (PASTI) works with GenRe to train youth facilitators to advocate for the importance of stunting prevention among their peers. One of the activities is Enhancement Training for GenRe Facilitators.
PASTI is a partnership between BKKBN, USAID, Tanoto Foundation, PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMMAN), PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, and Bakti Barito Foundation, implemented by Wahana Visi Indonesia until 2026 in four provinces: Banten, East Java, East Nusa Tenggara, and West Kalimantan.
The collaboration between PASTI and the GenRe Forum is important because there is little awareness among adolescents about preventing stunting through healthy lifestyles. "Peers fail to recognize how their current lifestyles may lead to stunted children when they eventually become parents themselves," said Louis, a GenRe facilitator in Kupang district, East Nusa Tenggara.
Louis facilitating a stunting prevention workshop at one of the schools.
Another GenRe facilitator in Kupang, Immanuel, confirmed that this was also his own experience. "I once struggled with smoking, but my increased participation in GenRe activities motivated me to quit smoking. Now, as a facilitator championing the importance of healthy lifestyles among my peers, I proudly declare that I have overcome that habit,” said Immanuel.
The experience of Louis and Immanuel shows the significant challenges faced by GenRe facilitators. Changing attitudes and behaviors is a complex process that cannot be achieved overnight. Louis, for example, admitted that he was often confused about how to promote the importance of effective stunting prevention to his peers. "I used to be a shy child and did not dare to speak in front of many people. I also didn't know anything about anemia and stunting," he said after training his peers at one of the schools.
But his confusion began to decline as the PASTI program trained him and other GenRe facilitators through its Enhancement Training for GenRe Facilitators initiative. "I feel very happy because with the training from PASTI, I have a role in sharing information with the community, especially with my peers," Louis said.
During the training, Louis, Immanuel, and other GenRe facilitators received lessons about the importance of health for the body, awareness of the importance of maintaining balanced nutrition, as well as prevention of anemia and stunting for adolescents.
Louis said that PASTI's training had a lasting impact for him and the other facilitators.
Immanuel saat membawakan materi dalam Penguatan GenRe Kabupaten Kupang.
Thanks to the PASTI program, Immanuel learned how to plan an effective campaign. "I want to create a campaign for Youth Counseling Information Centers in schools—and now I can be the facilitator myself, without relying on an agency," he said excitedly.
The PASTI program is committed to raising awareness of stunting among adolescents and pre-marital couples. Until the end of the program, PASTI targets 94,436 adolescents in the program area to increase awareness about stunting prevention through various strategies. One of them is the involvement of the GenRe forum in campaigning stunting prevention among adolescents.
Author: A. Adintyo (Communication Officer PASTI)