Staff’s Story: Supporting the Humanitarian from Backstage

Humanitarian workers are known as those who work directly with communities to support the development of communities. But, don’t you know that those who work from the backstage of humanitarian issues also called humanitarian workers? Daniel Samuel Abraham Takarbessy (52), a People Data Analytics of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) is one of them. The father of two who has been joining WVI since April 1, 2011, dedicated himself as a humanitarian worker who works for humanity from backstage.
Daniel’s work is as important as field staff who meet the communities, partners, or government. His work at the People and Culture Department gives him a big role in updating the workforce demographics of WVI employees and supporting the availability of data for the benefit of every project and department in WVI. Daniel also created various features for the HRIS personnel database application which are used for the needs of all staff such as reimbursement of medical expenses, etc.
He started his career by being a System Information Officer who handles the procurement online system. He also used to be a Personal Data Management Officer that responsible for updating the HRIS database and make his department work easier by creating new features on the system.
He does the responsibility with his heart. That was proof by the award he got in 2020 as one of The Best Performance Staff.
“When we doing the works as good as the Best Performance Staff, we are indeed supporting the field staffs indirectly. With all the capacities, information, spirit, and prayer, we can help other staff, so they can serve communities well,” said Daniel.
Daniel stated WVI as The Best Team Work. For him, by doing his job, he also supports WVI programs to be more beneficial for children, communities and they can get better health, education and live better.
He is thankful for the workplace which boosts his capability. The teamwork of WVI makes him like to do more for children and communities through WVI.
“The support from direct leaders, even sometimes it bothers them, can fill the gap of knowledge. The leaders always help us with their kind-hearted, and it increases the staff's helping spirit,” he explained.
Daniel hopes that WVI could be more impactful for children and communities in Indonesia.
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer Wahana Visi Indonesia