STARLET Project Empowers Jakarta Students with Lifeskills and Digital Marketing

Over the course of four months, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) through its STARLET project (Social Rehabilitation Support for Vulnerable Youth in Jakarta) provided Lifeskills and Digital Marketing training to eighth graders and 10th-12th graders in several schools in Jakarta. More than 150 students benefited from this training.
"I am grateful to be able to participate in training that is useful for my life. I also try to share this material a little bit with the coastal children. Insya Allah, this can be a guide for their lives. I am also very happy to be able to directly try making Meta Ads and Google Ads. This can be my savings to manage my own business in the future," said Farrel, a tenth grader.
The participants received 17 materials related to digital marketing and 16 materials related to lifeskills. Digital marketing material is important for students to be able to develop their entrepreneurial spirit and carry out digital marketing. They also carried out practical activities at the end of each session, such as creating ads through Meta Ads and Google Ads. As a final assignment, students were required to create an Annual Marketing Plan.
Meanwhile, the lifeskill training aims to improve life skills that target self-management skills, learning, and becoming active citizens. It is hoped that after having this insight, teenagers will be more prepared to face challenges in the future.
Ahmad, one of the teachers, is grateful because not many schools have students who receive training like this. "Digital and lifeskill abilities are very much needed. In this era, the ability to operate a computer becomes benchmark and can make it easier for us to get jobs. Likewise with lifeskills, no matter how smart we are, if we don't have lifeskills, it will be very difficult for us in social life," he said.
One of the Vice Principals, Sopiah, also stated that this training has succeeded in bringing her students to feel a new nuance in learning. Not only learning textbooks but also learn to appreciate, tolerate, understand oneself and one's emotions as well as others, also develop knowledge and information about marketing in the digital era. "Hopefully the students can apply the knowledge from the training in their daily lives and it would be even better if they share it with friends or the surrounding environment," said Sopiah.
This training activity was closed with a competition for all participants with the theme "Creative Sparks: Lifeskills and Digital Marketing Competition". The competition is a positive activity for teenagers to fill their long school holidays. The winners of the competition will be announced at the National Children's Day celebration in Jakarta in July 2024.
Author: Yanti (Lifeskill Specialist STARLET Project)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)