Strive for the Rights of Children from Remote Areas of Kalimantan

The lives of some children in remote areas are apprehensive. Health, education, and child protection are neglected, even rarely discussed. Environmental conditions and parenting patterns are the cause of the lack of attention to the fulfillment of children's rights. This also happens in Engkulun Village, one of the remote villages in Sekadau Regency, West Kalimantan.
Martono, a facilitator at the Engkulun Village Children Forum knows this very well.
"There are very few children in the village who intend to go to school. Children's rights are neglected because the villagers don't know about it," said Martono.
This condition is changing slowly. Since the presence of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), the understanding of children and their rights has improved. Through the training on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Child Protection, and the Child Forum, this 42 yo man continues to socialize children's rights to parents and the general public, both at schools and churches. According to him, parents began to understand the importance of children's health, protection, and children's rights gradually.
"We are concerned about the children in the village. Human resources are still lacking. So I intend to raise children to be useful children. Their education must be higher," he added.
Thanks to WVI's cooperation with parents and child companions like Martono, now the Engkulun Village Children Forum is one of the most active children's forums in carrying out routine activities. They are actively involved in village meetings and provide input and suggestions for the village government. They are also active in religious duties in the village.
"Now, the children are brave enough to appear in public. More confident. Some of them have graduated from college, "said Martono.
He hopes that the struggle carried out by many parties will not be in vain. He wishes to see children reach their dreams and become an example of their juniors in the future.
Written by: Sekadau Wahana Visi Indonesia Program Area Staff