Supporting Health Protocol in South Bengkulu, WVI Distributes Handwashing Facilities

To support the implementation of health protocols in the community, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) South Bengkulu Area Program distributed handwashing with soap (CTPS) facilities through the South Bengkulu Regency government. One of these CTPS facilities is located in Ampera Market. The assistance was received directly by the Deputy Regent of South Bengkulu Rifa'i Tajudin, S.Sos.
"We appreciate WVI who cares for the people of South Bengkulu Regency by providing CTPS facilities in public places. We hope it can make the people of South Bengkulu accustomed to washing their hands with soap," said Rifa'i.
WVI donated 16 units of CTPS facilities, complementing the 30 units that had been donated. The CTPS facilities will be placed in various public areas such as markets, places of worship, and schools. Manager of South Bengkulu Area Program Jhon Eris Purba enthusiast the assistance will be very useful in preventing the spread of Covid-19. Also, it can be an educational tool for people to live clean and healthy behaviors by getting used to washing hands with soap.
The provision of CTPS facilities is only one of many activities carried out by WVI to break the chain of Covid-19 spread in South Bengkulu. Despite being in the PPKM period, WVI also continues to support the government in informing the public about the prevention of Covid 19 through various media and community involvement.
Written by: Gustian Syaputra South Bengkulu Program Area Staff Wahana Visi Indonesia