Teaching for an Hour a Day

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - The corona pandemic that has taken place for almost three months has really made limited activities, even teaching and learning activities have an impact and require students, parents and teaching staff to carry out teaching and learning activities at home. Learning activities from home certainly have its own constraints because if in the city the teachers can provide assignments online, and students can easily access because the signal is also good. But not with children in the village. According to these children, they are on vacation and not studying at home.
Seeing this condition, Supinawati, elementary school teacher 19 in Nyangau Village, Melawi Regency took the initiative to continue teaching children. Only this time he changed the pattern of learning.
Ibu Upik, as she is often called, began teaching children in early May 2020. She divided the children into two groups and each group had four children. Ms. Upik set aside time to teach for one hour a day. Usually, Mrs. Upik teaches at 09.00 or 16.00, and in a week there are three days she uses to teach children.
"Children are divided into two groups, such as first-grade children, for example, there are eight children and divided into four people in each group. The goal is to make it not too crowded and my children also continue to use masks during the teaching process, "explained the teacher who also serves as the Village Head PJ.
According to Ibu Upik, what she did for these children received positive responses from parents.
"I am grateful that the parents responded well to what I did because it is wrong if we left children alone in this situation, while their parents always go to the fields in the morning and go home late in the evening, and the children just play," she added.
On the sidelines of the density of daily activities, of course, it is not easy to divide time for children and also village affairs, but it is not the biggest obstacle for Upik's mother. For children, he is still a teacher who teaches them many things.
Seeing the children's enthusiasm for learning in the pandemic and the desire of those who love to keep learning with conditions that are different from usual and simple, at least these children have not left behind lessons when the situation returns to normal and children can return to school again.
Written by: Noviana Via Dollorossa Limbong, External FF Melawi Sintang Wahana Visi Indonesia Program Area