The Benefits of Joining in Community Sponsorship

More and more young people are being inspired to join the sponsoring community or participate in community sponsorship. In community life, we frequently encounter people who live in poverty or below the poverty line, which means that, in addition to education and adequate housing, they may not have enough to meet their basic requirements or eat.
That's why there are so many communities or organizations out there that have several people involved in helping these groups. Ultimately, it's a duty for individuals to assist one another, a duty for those capable of aiding the less fortunate, for without others, who else would assume that responsibility?
What is Community Sponsorship?
The term "sponsorship" may be familiar to many. Sponsorship is financial or material support that a company or individual provides to an event or activity with the aim of generating profit or enhancing public perception. However, not all sponsorship programs are the same, as there are numerous programs that focus on social activities rather than solely on image building.
While community sponsorship is, of course, a community of people who have joined as sponsors for a particular event or activity, in Indonesia, it's a common practice for social activities to invite anyone to participate as a sponsor, even for the benefit of underprivileged children. Wahana Visi Indonesia, one of the humanitarian institutions in Indonesia owns Chosen, a program that supports underprivileged children.
Benefits of Joining a Community Sponsorship
Community sponsorship encourages not just one or two individuals, but a significant number of them to participate in the program. This is because becoming a sponsor offers numerous benefits, such as:
Brand awareness, By becoming a sponsor, you can enhance your brand's visibility and introduce yourself to a broader audience. You can create good relationships with others as more people learn.
Receiving rewards, as a sponsor, especially for humanitarian or social events, this can be one of the areas where we provide rewards. While we recognize that some sustenance currently belongs to those in need, it's important to acknowledge this. You will receive multiple rewards for giving or donating.
Extending the door of sustenance. All religions undoubtedly teach that aiding one another, particularly through charity, broadens the door of sustenance as it distributes some of one's own property or rights to those in need. Therefore, it's important to remember that the more often you give, the wider the door of sustenance becomes, as God expands it from various angles.
Strengthening relationships, participating in community sponsorship allows you to connect with individuals who share a common goal of mutual aid. Naturally, this has a positive impact on enhancing or broadening relationships with like-minded individuals. It's possible this relationship will help you later.
Becoming a better person and being grateful for God's blessings is important because many others are less fortunate. Through helping others, you will become more grateful and a better person.
Join the Wahana Visi Indonesia Community Sponsorship
If you're interested in becoming a sponsor for underprivileged children in Indonesia, you can sign up for Wahana Visi Indonesia's Chosen program. A brief overview of the Chosen program, one of WVI's programs, focuses on serving as a sponsor for underprivileged children worldwide.
In this case, Wahana Visi Indonesia already lists underprivileged children from different backgrounds and regions of Indonesia. Afterwards, those interested in becoming sponsors can first register by simply filling out the necessary information on the official WVI website.
If you have registered, you can choose which child you want to sponsor, rather than just one, because you can sponsor several children at once. What's even more intriguing is that the benefits of sponsoring one child extend to four other children simultaneously. Additionally, you should be aware that you don't need to spend a significant amount of money to become a sponsor, as you can join this program for just 200 thousand rupiahs per month.
So far, many people have registered as sponsors, so don't worry if you also want to register, because the program is basically open to anyone. In fact, Wahana Visi Indonesia offers not only a sponsorship program but also a donation program, allowing everyone to contribute monetary contributions that will benefit underprivileged children.
WVI provides assistance not in the form of money or materials, but rather focuses on learning facilities such as schools, uniforms, education funds, and the like. WVI takes this action with a purpose, ensuring that these children no longer rely solely on financial aid but instead receive education to become more valuable individuals in the future.
WVI also operates a volunteer program for those who are unable to provide financial or material assistance. How to join is also easy; just register online, and later you can provide assistance, such as teaching children, participating in fundraising programs, and so on. Wahana Visi Indonesia welcomes anyone who wants to join in and help each other. Remember that your life wheel will occasionally be at its lowest point. It is important to build sympathy and help each other.