The Child-Friendly Space Brings Joy for Sulkifli

It was early in the morning, Saturday, January 16 when Sulkifli, 15, felt the strong quakes. The land and house were shaking. The teenage boy heard his neighbor and family screamed and ran away from their houses. “Earthquake!” they shouted. Half asleep, Sulkifli ran out of his aunt's house. He then realized his finger was hit by broken planks.
“I was scared. Very scared,” he said.
Together with his older sister, Sulkifli lives in their aunt’s house when the earthquake hit Majene Regency, West Sulawesi. Sulkifli’s parents are now working in Kalimantan. They even have not met their son yet after the earthquake. Now, Sulkifli and his sister live at the tent in the evacuation post since their aunt’s house collapsed.
In a time like this, Sulkifli is eager to meet his parents. In the beginning, he could not stand living in a tent because it lacked clean water and nutritious food. Not to mention that the COVID-19 pandemic also put the children under threat because health protocols have not yet implemented in the tents where he lived. He is now happy after Wahana Visi Indonesia staff visited the evacuation post to hold Child-Friendly Space activities. In the Child-Friendly Space, together with his friend, Sulkifli can play and learn more about hygiene, especially the right steps for washing hands and using the mask properly.
“I am happy. I can play with my friends here,” said Sulkifli, telling his feeling after join the Child-Friendly Space.
Kardi, a WVI staff member who facilitated the Child-Friendly Space activity, admitted that he was happy to see the changes in Sulkifli, “At first he was sad, but now he was finally cheerful and wanted to mingle with the others after joining the Child-Friendly Room activity.”
In carrying out these activities, Kadar ensures that everything goes according to health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among children including the use of masks, measuring body temperature, and washing hands with soap. Kadar and his friend also ensure that they are in a healthy condition when doing activities with the children.
Wahana Visi Indonesia has responded to the West Sulawesi earthquake since 16 January 2021. The response will last three months with a focus on the education sector, child protection, and item distribution.
Written by Kardi dan Rena Tanjung, Wahana Visi Indonesia