The Importance of Maintaining Equal Roles of Parents in Parenting

Gender equality starts from the smallest scope, namely the family when the husband and wife can share their duties properly. The involvement of the father or husband in the care of children not only shows the achievement of gender equality but also brings a positive climate in the family and child development.
"Men also have certain weaknesses and can 'lose' in several ways from women. Therefore, no one should be dominant in the family. Equality is seen in the fluid division of roles in the family. Therefore, parents need to have an agreement, which of course is built not suddenly, but since the dating stage. From the start it must be agreed that life must be managed together," said Prof. Irwanto, Professor of Atma Jaya Catholic University in a discussion" Great Father Behind Tough Mother "which was held by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) in commemoration of Kartini Day, Tuesday (20/04/21) virtually.
Regarding equality, Yosi Mokalu, a public figure, assesses that the equal role of husband and wife in the household is not only determined by the amount of time spent with the family but more on the balance of roles based on their respective strengths.
"There are always discussions and agreements taken with the wife for various things, including how to raise children. The father as the head of the family does not demand to be respected, but instead to serve. The great father provided himself to serve everything, automatically that respect would come later," said Yosi who also shared tasks with his wife doing household chores.
Raina (20), Yosi's daughter, said that her father and mother set good role models for children, especially on how to be humble. "Even if I make a mistake I will also be reprimanded, but I see it as a lesson that makes me better. I still love them and do not feel hurt," she said.
The Parenting Module with Love prepared by WVI invites parents to reflect, learn and commit to being good parents through 4 stages, namely making peace with the past, understanding the present, looking to the future, and pursuing dreams.
Dwi Yatmoko, one of the teams of Parenting With Love of WVI said, on various occasions, it was revealed that many parents did not know how husband and wife can share roles in parenting. Most of the caring duties were left to the wife, who was mostly at home with the children. "Whereas when the father is involved in raising the child and doing household chores, the children see the model and learn how the father and mother work together," said Dwi.
Written by: Amanda Putri, Media Relations Executive Wahana Visi Indonesia