The Long Journey of Ratification of the TPKS Bill into Law

April 12, 2022, is a historic day for all levels of society from various groups, especially for children in Indonesia. After waiting for 10 years for the discussion of the TPKS (Sexual Violence) Bill, it was finally approved and ratified as the TPKS Law at 10.30 WIB in the second level discussion of the DPR-RI (House of Representatives of Republic Indonesia) Plenary Session.
Cheers and applause from the side of the balcony and the members of the council colored the plenary session room when the Chair of the DPR-RI, Mrs. Puan Maharani, knocked on the trial hammer as a sign that the TPKS Bill was legal to become law. The emotion of this victory enveloped everyone, both those who watched on location and online.
The ratification of the TPKS Law is a historic moment in efforts to protect children against sexual violence in Indonesia. This law provides a fairly comprehensive guarantee of protection for children. Sexual violence against children is no longer a complaint offense, but a report offense.
If so far law enforcers have based their examinations on the presence of whether there is a complaint or not, later if the sexual contact was made against children or groups of people with disabilities, the officers would be able to move without waiting for a complaint. The TPKS Law expressly regulates the elimination of consent for sexual contact with children, forced marriages, and victim assistance funds.
WVI's struggle in the process of formulating and ratifying the TPKS Bill began at the end of 2019. This effort is a joint effort between the Child Protection and Advocacy divisions, both at the national level and the WVI Program Area. Data on safeguarding incidents and reports on sexual violence stories collected by the team in the Program Area serve as a reference and basis for formulating the points of the law. In addition, WVI has also joined the Indonesia Joining Forces (IJF), Action Network and Alliance for the Elimination of Violence Against Children (PKTA) in advocating the TPKS Bill.
WVI appreciates and expresses gratitude to the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) which always accepts input from child-focused organizations related to the articles in the TPKS Bill. KPPPA also heard various inputs from non-governmental organizations, networks, and alliances that are members of the Indonesia Joining Forces to End Violence Against Children, the Action Network and the PKTA Alliance (Elimination of Violence Against Children).
Let's continue to oversee the implementation of the law so that child protection services, especially in Frontier, Remote and Disadvantaged areas can continue to run well and children in those 3 areas get adequate facilities and child protection.
Written by: Lia Anggiasih, Public Policy Analyst Wahana Visi Indonesia
Translated by: Aqueta Alexandra Kroons, Intern Wahana Visi Indonesia