The Man Who was a Sponsored Child Supports WVI's Child Sponsorship Program

#CeritaSponsor – Was not born into a wealthy family made Hendra Lei always feel the work of God. Hendra, who had experienced being a sponsor's child, from a foundation in Indonesia, from elementary school to college, his heart was touched when Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) presented the Child Sponsorship Program at the church where he worshiped in June 2015.
He did not need much time to decide to become a child sponsor of WVI after the presentation at that time. The various blessings he received when he became a sponsor's child reminded him to be involved in serving with WVI.
"I was very happy when I got the assistance (as long as being the sponsor's child) because I really felt that we cared about us (the sponsor's children) both in terms of material, knowledge, skills, and spiritual assistance. There are many programs arranged by the foundation, such as Bible studies, various subject lessons, music, sports olympiad, and others. I received many blessings and assets that made me who I am today. This reminds me when WVI came to church and there was an impulse in my heart that I should be involved in this ministry,” recalled the man who is currently actively worshiping at GII Hok Im Tong, West Surabaya.
Hendra, who is now Suci's sponsor, a child from Sekadau, always sets aside (not sparing) the income he receives to support humanitarian activities with WVI, especially supporting Suci.
"At that time Suci was around 13 years old (6 graders) and there is a photo of her at a young age. My condition at that time was that I was married for about 3 years and didn't have any children. After I became a sponsor, the next year God gave the gift of the first child in our family. After our first child turns 4 years old, in 2020 we have received the second child award. Suci is like a big sister to my children. I feel that God's care is extraordinary both in our family and in Suci from year to year through her development,” said Hendra.
For him, being a child sponsor is not just about making donations, but also requires totality in giving time to build relationships with the sponsor's children. Hendra is grateful to be able to exchange stories by letter with Suci and receive various news updates about WVI's performance, regular letters from sponsor's children, until every month there is always a report on the evidence of donations from WVI.
“I believe that the vision and mission of WVI are very good. Let the current sponsors become a channel to introduce and tell about WVI to the people around us," he told.
Hendra hopes that Suci and other sponsored children can continue to be grateful and optimize all the support and assistance they have received from sponsors through WVI. If at this time they may live in deprived conditions in the interior, but their future should not be pessimistic because of the present conditions.
Written by: Fazarwati Ariesthofanny, Sponsor of the Executive Engagement of Wahana Visi Indonesia