The Result of Birth Certificate Ownership Program

Did you know that not all children, especially in remote areas of Indonesia, have a birth certificate? One of them is in Pasak Piang Village, Kubu Raya Regency. Through the 100 percent Birth Certificate ownership program, this village has invited its residents to fulfill the ownership of Birth Certificates for children by declaring the commitment.
This process has had a positive impact on the entire village community. One of the real impacts of this activity is the emergence of public awareness to seek birth certificate ownership for their children.
People who initially did not know the benefits of having a Birth Certificate for children, now understand how much a Birth Certificate means to a child. The community began to change after receiving information and dissemination from Wahana Visi Indonesia and the Child-Friendly Village Task Force.
"There was one neighborhood that used to refuse when the task force asked them to make a child's birth certificate, but now they realize how important the certificate is," said Mansyur (46), Head of Community Based Child Protection System of Pasak Piang Village.
Data of the Population and Civil Registration Service (Dissdukcapil) of Kubu Raya Regency recorded that there were 360 of 1,161 children in the village of Pasak Piang who did not have a birth certificate. One of the factors is the road access to the village which can only be passed by two-wheeled vehicles, and the distance is quite far from the Disdukcapil office of Kubu Raya Regency. Thus, the community has to spend quite a lot of money to make a deed. This condition is compounded by the lack of public awareness and knowledge about the importance of a birth certificate for children.
"I am very grateful that now my two children have birth certificates, thank you for the help," said Rosdi (36), a resident who has benefited from the program.
Now the achievement of the fulfillment of Birth Certificates in Pasak Piang Village has shown an increase, although it is still relatively slow and insignificant. Seeing this development, the Child-Friendly Village Task Force held a meeting in November 2021 to prioritize achieving the fulfillment of a Birth Certificate. One way to achieve this target is to implement a "pick up the ball" system, namely the service of making deeds in each RT by forming a special team.
This process also received support from the village government through the neighborhood heads. They appealed and mobilized their villagers to attend the filing of the Birth Certificate requirements at the agreed location.
Now, the people of Pasak Piang Village can smile because they have easier access to make Birth Certificates. The concern and hard work of all members of the Child-Friendly Village Task Force have had a real impact on the welfare of children in the village.
Written by: Widiyanto Kristiawan, CESP Area Program Kubu Raya Wahana Visi Indonesia