The Support of Bone Village Government for Children

The child's forum is an official forum for children in Bone Village, Kupang to be able to learn to organize and express their opinions directly to the village government in the village deliberation program. The Village Children's Forum (Forades) also means that it is a shelter for children's groups that are formed in the village.
The bone village is one of Wahana Visi Indonesia's assisted villages since 2012. Since WVI came to Bone, mentoring for children in groups has begun. However, officially, this group of children has not yet been formed.
Through a long process, with continuous assistance, by cooperating with partners such as the village government and the church, WVI strives to realize the establishment of an official children's forum.
Right in 2021, in collaboration with the village government and the church as well as community leaders in Bone Village, Forades was officially formed and immediately received an SK (Decree) from the Village Government. Forades Bone formed has 10 children who are members including the Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. Along with the formation of Forades Bone, the village government also confirmed the administrators directly and in this activity.
The Forades activity began by conducting a Talent Interest Class for children in Bone Village. Not only from partners, but parents also support the new activities of these village children.
Metusalak Lenama, one of the parents of the Forades children, is proud that now her son and the children in Bone Village have space to learn to organize. He promised to continue to support children's activities, especially in Talent Interest Class activities.
“I am happy and proud because my child has the opportunity to learn to develop his potential. I always support and I hope this achievement can be maintained,” he said.
Written by: Christi Sirituka, Staff of Kupang-TTS Area Program Wahana Visi Indonesia