Valuable Assistance for Us

Ite (60), a man from Timor Tengah Selatan Regency has experienced a hard life struggle. Six years ago, due to economic constraints, Ite's diabetes had to lead to the amputation of his leg. Since then there wasn't much he could do. He only worked in the fields with his wife.
Ite became one of the assisted communities for the ICSR project (Indonesia COVID-19 Surge Response) of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), which was funded by AHP (Australian Humanitarian Partnership) through the government of Australia. Ite was also one of the people who be a part of the cash voucher programming provided by WVI. It received Rp1,200,000 in cash which he could use for his daily needs.
"I am happy to receive assistance from WVI. I will use the funds to buy necessities and piglets for my future grief needs," explained Ite when met after the distribution.
Aid is distributed twice, so Ite can divide the money for different purposes. He said, “I will use the second aid fund to repair the toilet. We are collecting tamarind to sell so our toilets can be built."
The ICSR project is the result of a collaboration between WVI and GMIT (Evangelical Christian Church in Timor) TTS. This project has distributed assistance to 1,283 people, consisting of 228 people with disabilities and 1,055 people without disabilities. The assistance was distributed by CU Citra Harapan Tribuana.
This assistance aims to help vulnerable and disabled people affected by COVID-19 to meet household economic needs. In addition to cash voucher programming, the community also received various socializations related to social protection mechanisms, such as government social assistance, COVID-19 prevention efforts, and the promotion of vaccinations.