Village Children's Contribution to Children's Participation

The village children's forum in the Kubu Raya Regency continues to actively contribute to the development of their village. During the pandemic, the children in the village are limited in their space for activities, they only follow the routine of online teaching and learning activities without feeling the participation as a child. For this reason, members of the village children's forum held various activities, to increase children's participation again.
One of them is through quiz competitions for all SD/Madrasah in the village. About nine schools sent their representatives to be involved in this activity.
"We want the children in the village to continue to have positive activities, and we have prepared the event well," said Guntur (16) a member of the village children's forum.
The initiative of this activity also received a good response from the village government, proofed by the presence of the village BPD chairman who monitors as well as provides support to members of the children's forum.
The activity committee has provided handwashing with soap facilities in the activity location area and requires participants to wear masks and provide masks to those who forget to bring masks. All participants were excited to take part in this competition.
Through this activity, now children in the village have space to participate, considering that activities like this are very rarely done amid the Covid-19 pandemic. This activity has also raised the spirit and motivation of the children in the village of Pasak Piang to continue learning without being hindered by the pandemic situation.
Written by: Widiyanto Kristiawan, CESPCoordinator Area Program Kubu Raya Wahana Visi Indonesia