Wahana Visi Indonesia Makes an Agreement of Collaboration with the Jayapura Regency Education Office

Located in the Jayapura Regency BAPPEDA office hall on Friday, July 17, 2020, a cooperation agreement was signed between Jayapura District Education Office and Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) regarding participation in the development of elementary school teachers in the WVI program intervention area. This collaboration was carried out as a form of WVI's concern for children's basic education in the Jayapura Regency.
"For this reason, we are present with an educational program in Jayapura District, through the intervention of the Wahana Literasi program by targeting one component, namely teachers in primary schools, so that through this cooperation can be a legal umbrella that further strengthens us to run the education program and also clearly accountable to Jayapura Regency Education Office," Wangsit Panglipur as Area Program Manager of Sentani explained.
Meanwhile, Head of the Education Office, Ted Jones Mokay in his remarks expressed his appreciation and gratitude to WVI who has been running the program since 2012 in Jayapura Regency. The annual collaboration, according to Mokay, has greatly helped programs from the Education and Culture Office in Jayapura Regency.
"There are so many things to do and it is possible that there are still many programs that need to be developed by our friends at Wahana Visi Indonesia. It is hoped that this cooperation will further enhance a better working relationship between each party and it is hoped that the program will increasingly touch schools and children. Let us move to further advance education, especially basic education for our children in Jayapura Regency," Mokay said.
The signing which was carried out in a very simple manner was attended by the heads of the fields, heads of subdivisions, section heads in the early childhood care and development (PAUD), elementary school, junior high school and senior high school units of the Education Office as well as the Chair and Secretary of the Jayapura Regency Superintendent.
Written by: Elisabeth Bukorpioper, TP2 Area Coordinator of the Sentani Wahana Visi Indonesia Program