Wheelchair for Yuliana

Yuliana is a 16-year-old teenager who is the youngest among the 6 children her parents have. Until recently, she can only lie down on her bed all day due to the paralysis that she suffers from birth. According to the doctor, Yuliana has a bone problem that hinders her growth and causes paralysis.
Despite her condition, her parents patiently and lovingly take care of her. For activities like defecating in the toilet, urinating, or taking shower, her Mom usually carries her and sat her on a chair in the bathroom. Other than that, in order to cheer her up, her parents often piggyback her to their neighbor’s house so she can watch TV.
“This is our day-to-day life, a constant carrying and lifting Yuliana to the restroom, feeding her, and piggybacking her to the neighbor’s house to watch television. This is all I can do for my daughter. I will always try my best to support her,” said Karolina (53), Yuliana’s Mother.
As a person suffering from a disability, Yuliana received help and support through Wahana Visi Indonesia East Manggarai’s program. The donation is given specifically to children with special needs. There are stages for the implementation of this program. There is a data-collection process to gather information about kids with disabilities in every village. The collected information will then becomes the basic data to determine the total beneficiaries.
This process definitely considers the situation and circumstances of the child and the family. The staff met the child and the family first so they would know which child and family should be prioritized.
On September 16, 2020, WVI in the East Manggarai area has distributed a wheelchair to Yuliana and her family. Upon receiving the wheelchair, Yuliana’s family was so happy and grateful. This wheelchair has been such a great help for Yuliana’s parents as her caretakers. Yuliana’s parents no longer need to lift her and carry her to the restroom or to go to their neighbor’s house to watch television which is her favorite thing to do.
Written by: Natalia Hethy Dudi, Community Engagement and Sponsorship Plan Coordinator, East Manggarai Area