Women and Men Can Work Together

In various regions in Indonesia, the process of a chnage sometimes clashes with various interests. It happens also in East Nusa Tenggara. The patriarchal culture that has been attached since the first sometimes makes women still do not have an equal position, especially in terms of decision making.
Yohanis Hamu, one of the residents and also an elected candidate for Village Head in Mbatakapidu Village, East Sumba confirmed this. “The customs are the biggest challenge to make changes,” said the 39-year-old man.
The issue of gender inequality is familiar to Yohanis because it can be found in the daily life of the village community. Since attending the training held by the ENVISION (Enabling Civil Society for Inclusive Village Economic Development), a project funded by the European Union, through the Gender Equality Social Inclusive (GESI) approach, Yohanis has gained a new understanding of gender, that men and women are equal and can work together. He got an understanding that women can be the decision makers in traditional events.
“We have never done it ye and we do not know how to start either. But after participating in this training, I realized that we can actually do it and it is just a matter of habit. Because apart from nature, we, men and women, can work together for the common good,” he said.
According to Yohanis, the results of this lesson will be applied when he is officially appointed as Village Head. Also, he will pay more attention to the participation of women, youth, and other vulnerable people to be actively involved in village meetings.
Written by Lintang Krisantium, ENVISION Project staff, Wahana Visi Indonesia
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. The contents are the sole responsibility of Wahana Visi Indonesia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.