WVI and Kenanga Waste Bank Received Awards

Wahana Visi Indonesia together with Divers Clean Action (DCA) won an award for the category "Best Waste Collaborator in 2022" at the 2022 Community Care for the Environment Appreciation event that was held on October 11th, 2022. Caring for the Environment is an annual event organized by DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the Environment to present awards to the Department parties who have played an active role in environmental management. The award is represented by Franz Sinaga, Project Manager of Phinla, Wahana Visi Indonesia
Apart from Wahana Visi Indonesia, the Kenanga Waste Bank located in North Jakarta also received an award as the "Best Waste Bank in 2022". The Kenanga waste bank is one of the waste banks assisted by WVI and DCA since 2020, through the PHINLA program with support from the German government.
The PHINLA program in Indonesia, especially in the Jakarta area, has succeeded in inviting 1,726 people to become members of a waste bank and increasing their income from waste management activities. PHINLA also assists and trains 10 waste banks in waste management, bookkeeping, business development, and reporting systems. All waste banks are also now continuously innovating so that they remain relevant and contextual in their area. One of them is the Kenanga Waste Bank.
The Kenanga Waste Bank was inactive during the COVID-19 pandemic. Assisted by WVI, they were trained in bank waste management, business development, building behavior change groups, and door-to-door education. PHINLA also helped initiate the formation of 2 savings and loan groups that aim to provide financial access to all of its members. Members of the Kenanga Waste Bank also benefit greatly because they can borrow at low-interest rates. Currently, the Kenanga Waste Bank has 263 members and has continued to grow since 2021. The volume of waste managed is around 1,400 kilos/month and is expected to continue to grow.
The Kenanga Waste Bank also uses its facility space as an education center for preschool children on the topic of Solid Waste Management (SWM). This preschool class is attended by 10-15 children at each meeting. Children will bring recyclable materials to each meeting, which will be added to their personal waste bank account, and can be used to pay tuition fees.
PHINLA (PHilippines, INdonesia, and sri LAnka) project is a Global Program to develop livelihood for poverty-affected populations through a multi-sectoral established and monitored waste management system. PHINLA project is supported by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)