WVI Commited to Enhance Education for Papuan Children

In celebration of National Education Day, which falls on May 2, 2024, the Papua Provincial Government has awarded Wahana Visi Indonesia with an award. The Papua Provincial Government appreciates WVI's commitment and consistency in improving the quality of education for children in Papua Province. Since 2018, all of WVI's supported areas have implemented programs that focus on the education sector, especially literacy for elementary school children in grades one to three. The implementation of these programs has collaborated with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) through the Organization Mover Program (POP) in 2021-2023.
WVI's main goal is to improve the literacy skills of children in Papua through various program models such as Wahana Literasi and Kampung Literasi. Wahana Literasi is a series of capacity building for teachers or tutors to be able to provide literate teaching and learning activities. Meanwhile, Kampung Literasi targets the development of a literacy-rich social environment for children.
By implementing these two models, teachers or tutors are now turning their classrooms into more literate ones. Teachers or tutors are also becoming more creative in making contextual Educational Learning Tools that make it easier for children to learn to read. In the villages, Rumah Baca are also growing and developing. Rumah Baca have become a place for children to see storybooks more often and engage in enjoyable reading activities.
In 2024, WVI will also collaborate with donors and partners to start implementing projects targeting Early Childhood Education. This is one of the concerns because early childhood children should participate in activities that can stimulate reading skills.
With the support of donors, sponsors, and partners, WVI will continue to improve the quality of education for children in Papua. WVI expresses its gratitude for the cooperation that has been established so far and hopes that the existing cooperation and good work can continue. Let's make the dream of Papuan children come true to live fully and completely.
Author: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)