WVI Conducts Literacy Cloud Training to Support Literacy in Nagekeo,

WVI Area Program Nagekeo-Ngada (WVI AP NADA) held a Literacy Cloud Training activity at SDK Galawea, Ulupulu Village, Nangaroro District as an effort to support the Literacy Movement in Nagekeo Regency. The training was held on December 1, 2020, and was attended by 30 participants consisting of teachers, supervisors, and school principals who are members of the Nangaroro IV Cluster.
Manager of WVI AP NADA Otis Kawer Wakerkwa, through the Nagekeo Education Coordinator, Mordekhai Lalong explained, this Literacy Cloud Training is a part of a series of Teacher Working Group-Based Basic Literacy Training (KKG) which has been implemented by the Nagekeo District Education and Culture Office for six sessions since August 2020.
"WVI supports the training by holding this training. In this training, the participants were introduced to digital-based literacy which makes it easier for participants to use digital libraries and applications as teaching materials and learning materials, "said Mordekhai.
Literacy Cloud is a digital-based application designed to make it easier for teachers to provide learning assistance to students during the pandemic. Through this application, teachers can provide learning guidance, especially Basic Literacy learning, to students effectively and efficiently. Mordekhai added that the Literacy Cloud application can also be used online and offline.
"Teachers and parents can download teaching materials and study materials as well as libraries that can be given to children to be used offline later," explained Mordekhai.
Maria Magdalena Keo, S.Pd. as one of the teachers and training participants said that she was happy with the training held by WVI.
"As a teacher and principal, I feel the benefits of this training. This Covid-19 situation requires all of us to master technology, to be able to provide learning guidance to students both online and offline. With the Literacy Cloud, we can get lots of learning resources and teaching materials to support our duties as teachers,” explained Mia.
In addition, Yohanes Tola, S.Pd., Supervisor of Primary Schools in Nangaroro District, expressed his appreciation for the literacy efforts made by WVI AP NADA. He said, "WVI has introduced us to a form of digital literacy that enriches our knowledge, especially the use of digital libraries and applications to support literacy education. We are sure that this training is very useful and we can apply it to other schools as well.”
During the training, WVI AP NADA also provided support for the ATK package for teachers for Basic Literacy activities to representatives of seven elementary schools that are members of the Nangaroro IV Cluster. Literacy Cloud training will be implemented by WVI AP NADA at schools in need in WVI AP NADA assisted areas in particular and in Nagekeo Kabupaen areas in general.
Written by: Yosef Edmundus Mordekhai Lalong, Education Coordinator of Nagekeo-Ngada Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia