WVI Continues to Provide Training to Parents to Improve Parenting with Love

Every parent has a different way of implementing parenting for their children. Parenting is also the best way for parents to interact with their children. However, many parents apply the wrong parenting, so that children are not close to their parents or behave wrongly in their growing environment.
One of the shapers of behavior is parenting at an early age because it will have an impact on future life if it is not directed properly. Where this behavior will first be formed in the family environment, especially among parents.
Seeing the importance of parental support to improve child care, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) South Bengkulu Program Area provided Parenting with Love training to ten parents in one assisted village. This training was provided by facilitators who had previously received training from WVI.
Through this training, parents are expected to be able to think positively, creatively, and actively in the growth and development of children at an early age. Early childhood is the age stage that most determines how the character, personality, and attitudes of children in adulthood.
Written by: Staff of Area Program South Bengkulu, Wahana Visi Indonesia