WVI Held FGD to Ensure Parenting with Love Implementation

The diverse parenting style in the community triggering South Bengkulu Area Program Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) provides Parenting with Love (PDC) training for teachers and religious leaders. Then, the knowledge that has been obtained from the PDC training will be distributed back to the parents in WVI assisted villages.
PDC itself is designed in the form of a module containing materials for families to understand parenting patterns, shape a child's spirituality, improve children's welfare, and teach how to form a complete family.
This PDC module is expected to be a means to help WVI assisted communities apply it directly to their children. In addition, WVI also monitors the PDC training by conducting Focus Group Discussions (FGD) for children whose parents have received information about PDC.
Through questions given by WVI staff during the FGD, the children admitted that there was a change in their parent's parenting style after attending the PDC training, for example, not scolding children with violence or hitting them as they used to when they made mistakes.
In addition, children can also make agreements with parents about schedules or rules at home.
''There is a mutual agreement with parents, namely, when we want to go out we always tell our parents first, then when it's sunset time we have to stay home, and when it's 9 pm we can't play cellphones anymore, and it's time to sleep,'' said Andika, one of the child participants.
Parenting with Love (PDC) can be applied by anyone. Getting to know each family member's love language can make parenting easier. That way, parents and children will be more easily express their love in verbal and nonverbal forms to children.
Written by: Gustian Syaputra, Staff of Area Program South Bengkulu Wahana Visi Indonesia
Translated by: Klaudia Mawuntu, Intern Wahana Visi Indonesia