WVI Launches Empowered World View Module for Six Religions

The launch of the EWV (Empowered World View) Module for six religions was conducted in a hybrid mode on October 26, 2023. This activity was attended by representatives of religious institutions who are members of FORLAPPA (Interfaith Forum for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection), both module writers and administrators of their respective religious institutions. There were 35 face-to-face participants, while 18 online participants attended. Also involved was a representative from the Government of the Ministry of KPPPA, represented by Mr. Indra Gunawan. "On behalf of the Minister of KPPPA, I really appreciate this event, because this activity produces an interfaith module supplement that is very useful to be a reference for community empowerment in achieving child wellbeing and gender equality," he said.
In a collaborative partnership with FORLAPPA, WVI shares an understanding of the influence of world view on the lives of empowered communities. Initially, the EWV module was generically created in the context and perspective of the Christian values, but realizing the plurality of Indonesia, WVI offered collaboration by developing Five Module Supplements in five other religious perspectives (Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, and Konghuchu) as an adaptation of the Empowered World View Module with a Christian perspective. The module is designed as a faith-based empowerment module that promotes changes in mindset and behavior of individuals and communities.
The module is intended primarily for religious leaders and community empowerment actors who are concerned with religion- and culture-based transoformative efforts. Through training with this module, participants will explore challenges within the community and affirm their identity, dignity, hope and vision for the future. This enables them to experience change and fully participate in sustainable transformative goals by maximizing their assets. Before being finalized and launched, the EWV module in six religions was feasibility tested involving religious leaders from six religions in Bali on September 27-29, 2023, and the launch of the Module Supplement on October 26, 2023 in Bintaro, South Tangerang.
Author: Anil Dawan (Faith and Development Manager)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)