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Rimayun Matippanna (23), familiarly called Yuyun, once shared her story when she was just a law graduate with a cum laude title. After graduating with honors from Hasanuddin University in Makassar, Yuyun decided to work for a construction company. She spends her days as an employee working from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. From Monday to Saturday, Yuyun goes to work at 8:00 am and usually arrives at her boarding house at 7:00 pm. On weekends, she serves in the church. Yuyun actively serves in children's and adult services. Yuyun followed this routine for about six months until she finally realized her life's purpose.
Yuyun as A Child
As a small child, Yuyun grew up with parents she can call "the greatest parents". Yuyun remembers her parents as someone who put education and children's participation first, loved their children, and gave children freedom but with responsibility.
Being born and growing up with Yuyun's family is something special. Not all children have parents who know the importance of love, education, participation, protection, and freedom for a child's future. Everything starts first from the closest environment in a child's life, namely the family.
Little Yuyun knew and experienced how a child's opinion was valued and heard. She was given the freedom to do the things she wanted. She was taught to be responsible for every choice she made. She was encouraged to study and aspire.
Yuyun as A Teenager
As a teenager, Yuyun began to feel how the environment around her played an important role in forming her identity. Yuyun lives in one of Wahana Visi Indonesia's service areas in North Halmahera. Her most influential turning point occurred when she was active in the Hibualamo Children's Forum. This young girl even served as chairman of the North Halmahera Children's Forum.
Being active in the Children's Forum has made Yuyun accustomed to leading, planning, and organizing various activities, and from a young age, Yuyun was exposed to children's issues in North Halmahera. Yuyun's parents, who work in the humanitarian field, further sharpened Yuyun's knowledge of children's issues around her until she was interested and wanted to take a role in making North Halmahera a safe place for children and women.
"Even though Yuyun is now in Makassar (South Sulawesi), Yuyun still gets information from friends and parents about cases of violence against children and women that occurred in North Halmahera. Those who are victims of this are unable to seek legal assistance. In the end, most of them are not resolved," she explained. Her concern for protecting women and children, which she has nurtured since she was a teenager, made Yuyun determined to take up the profession of a lawyer. She managed to get a law degree but entering the world of work presented a different challenge for Yuyun.
Yuyun as A Young Adult
"Right now, I am taking education as a professional advocate at Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta. The classes can also be done online, so I can still work while also," she said. "After being an employee, I feel comfortable with the current routine. But maybe it was because since I was a teenager, I had this dream; I finally got up the courage to go back to school and fight to achieve my dream," said Yuyun.
As an adult woman, Yuyun refuses to be in a comfort zone. The dream of becoming a lawyer in her hometown has become Yuyun's calling. She feels that everything she received since she was little - both from her family and the activities she participated in as a teenager - is the most important part of her life. Those moments keep her enthusiastic about returning to North Halmahera and opening a legal aid institution to serve cases of violence against children and women. "I want to return to North Halmahera and provide legal assistance. There are no advocates there who are willing to serve these cases. It's also expensive to go to a lawyer, ".
After completing her professional education, Yuyun plans to continue his undergraduate studies through scholarships. She wants to deepen her study of Criminal Law. During her master's degree later, Yuyun also had to do an internship at a law institution for about two years so she could take the bar exam. After that, she can return to North Halmahera and provide legal aid services. These plans are full of uncertainties, but for now, staying in a comfort zone is also not an option.