A Dream Come True for the People of Pakeng

Wish to have electricity at night, it’s like a dream and hope for villagers of Pakeng Subvillage in years. Every time there is a change to propose a program to Subdistrict Government or Regency through Development Planning Forum (Musrenbang), electricity is always a never-behind suggestion, with hope the government immediately install electricity to their village.
Pakeng Subvillage location is approximately 3 km from the city center of Bengkayang Regency and about 5 km from the Village Office. Although the area is not far from the district city center, there are not many programs that can be felt by the community. One of them is electricity.
Fransiska Apet (34), a villager, said that the villagers, who are mostly farmers, have limited income. She admitted that even her family's daily income was only enough for a day's meal so that when night fell, they could only use a lamp as a light. Even so, there are also villagers who use generators as a source of household lighting.
When it's late afternoon or evening, it becomes a painful problem for Apet, because it is very difficult to carry out activities at night, especially when it is late in the evening, it is very difficult to prepare food or clean the house.
"Usually when I get home, it's late. It is very difficult to prepare food for my family, sometimes my body is exhausted and I have to take a bath, I have to cook and clean the house. So, I often scold my husband or children ask them why don't want to help me,” told her.
Apet is one of the families who get the opportunity to have electricity in their home through the help of Wahana Visi Indonesia, supported by 3M Indonesia. With the solar power now on, Apet is very happy, she can't believe it feels like a dream that their house is brightly lit now. So, it is no longer difficult to do any activity. The children are also excited. According to Apet, now her children have started to study hard, because it is easy to read books, not like they used to, using a lamp or flashlight when they have to study.
The same thing was conveyed by Desi (31), another villager.
"My children are very happy, because the house is no longer dark, so there is no need to be afraid at night, and they can study well,” Desi said.
Even Desi herself is now able to continue the work that had been delayed during the day, such as cleaning the house, washing dishes, washing clothes, and making plaits.
Fransiska Apet and Desi Ratnasari, are two of the 96 households that received solar power assistance programs for Pakeng villagers. They are very grateful for the assistance that has been given in the hope for children and family.
Written by: Timotius Winner, TP Coordinator Area Program Bengkayang Wahana Visi Indonesia
Translated by: Aqueta Alexandra Kroons, Intern Wahana Visi Indonesia