Children's Voices for Electricity in the Village

It is not easy to live in a village that is rarely touched by government programs such as Bhakti Mulya Village. The slum environment and damaged roads due to the proliferation of vehicles transporting agricultural products often make residents uncomfortable. Moreover, this village in remote Bengkayang Regency does not have electricity yet. These conditions even forced many children in Bhakti Mulya Village to drop out of school.
This condition made the members of the Bhakti Mulya Village Children's Forum not remain silent. The children's forum assisted by Wahana Visi Indonesia Area Program (WVI AP) Bengkayang is moving to bring change to their village through the delivery of opinions on the TPBM (Joint Community Program Review) activity held by WVI AP Bengkayang.
“We feel how difficult it is to study without lights at night. The smoke from the lamp disturbed us and our eyes got tired quickly due to the limited lighting. And through the TPBM, we propose electricity to enter the village," said the chairman of the children's forum.
Right in October 2021, members of the children's forum got what they were fighting for. With the help of solar electricity provided by WVI with the support of 3M Indonesia, now the residents of Bhakti Mulya Village can feel the light in their homes.
“Now that our village has electricity, we can study and do activities at night. After studying, we usually also watch TV with our family. Thank you WVI and 3M Indonesia for helping us. We are very lucky to have this solar electricity,” concluded the chairman of the children's forum.
Written by: Staff of Area Program Bengkayang Wahana Visi Indonesia
Translated by: Aqueta Alexandra Kroons, Intern Wahana Visi Indonesia