Instead of Venting, Jakarta's Kids are Keeping a Healthy Journal

Restu is a physical education teacher from one of the primary schools in East Jakarta who attended the Build Our Kids Success (BOKS) project training in 2023. After the training, Restu implemented the BOKS materials in her physical education classes. In addition to starting to implement fun physical activities for students, Restu also made innovations related to raising awareness of active and healthy lifestyles among students. She started asking students to keep a health journal or diary.
"Last week I asked the students to keep a journal of the food and drinks they eat and their schedule of activities, from sleeping to exercising," Restu said. All the fifth grade students completed the task set by their physical education teacher. Through this task, some of the students realised that they could maintain their diet, sleep and exercise patterns. "This week I always drink water," said Elena, showing her diary.
Meanwhile, Faiq said that this week he never forgot to eat breakfast so that he would always have energy for school. But there are still some students whose diets are still high in sugar, salt and fat, with less than eight hours of sleep and little physical activity.
"This is one of my ways of making them realise that if there are students who already have a healthy and active lifestyle, then yes, it needs to be maintained, but for those who don't, they can change it," said Restu, explaining the purpose of the health diary assignment. Restu also believes that it is easier for students to understand a healthy lifestyle when they start implementing it themselves. In addition, students can influence each other, so that the transfer of knowledge about healthy lifestyles can take place. Restu believes that children are the most powerful agents of change, as long as they are given the right methods and assistance.
Author: Donna Marietha (BOKS Project team member in Jakarta)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)