My Library is the Window to the World

The school library is a means of supporting the teaching and learning process organized by the school. Therefore, the books in the library must be neatly arranged and can be used as well as possible by students and teachers at school. With a good school library, students' interest in literacy will increase, as well as data released by the National Library (Perpusnas), that the community literacy development index rose from 12.93 in 2020, to 13.54 in 2021, with a target of reaching 15% by 2024.
In 2022, Perpusnas released that the Reading Level or TGM of Indonesian people has increased by 7.4% from 59.52 points in 2021, to 63.9 points in 2022. DKI Jakarta Province is in second place for the Highest Community Literacy Development Index with a score of 80.87. To maintain and increase literacy interest in schools in DKI Jakarta, WVI in collaboration with Matahari Department Store initiated a program to renovate school libraries in DKI Jakarta.
The limited condition of the school library was felt by one junior high school, where the condition of the library was not feasible due to limited school operational funds and became increasingly neglected after the COVID-19 pandemic. This makes students reluctant and rarely visit the school library. In fact, by actively visiting the library to read books other than textbooks, it will increase students' insight and knowledge at school which supports learning activities. Amelia, a student at the junior high school said that she likes to read but the condition of the school library is damaged so she cannot read in the library other than reading the Student Worksheet (LKS) book. According to Amelia, reading books will increase knowledge and insight beyond the lessons at school. The same concern was also expressed by one of the school teachers, Defi.
Defi revealed that the books that students are interested in are not available in the school library, plus the physical condition of the library room is outdated and uncomfortable for students. Addressing this concern, the school is also trying to find donors to increase the collection of reading books. Until now, the school has not found a donor who is willing to provide support for the school library.
Through the Matahari Renovation School Library program, the school finally received support in the form of library renovations, procurement of reading facilities, procurement of all in one PCs for digital literacy habituation in the library.
After this program is implemented in the school, students will visit and do activities in the new library more often. This was confirmed by the Principal, "The school will increase activities in the library room for example, by giving assignments that require students to use the school library facilities. Hopefully, this improvement will help teaching and learning activities at school". Students also hope that through this program provided by Matahari Department Store, their school library can become an attractive and comfortable place.
Yonathan Prasha (Project Team Leader)
Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)