15 Years of WVI’s Service in North Halmahera

It has been 15 years since Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) entered North Halamhera. WVI started its ministry at North Halmahera in 1997. Initially, the ministry started in the sectors of economic development, health and leadership development. Then in early 2000, through the disaster response to the North Maluku conflict, WVI assisted the affected residents through infrastructure rehabilitation, natural resource empowerment, education, health and peacebuilding. From 2007 to 2018, WVI in North Halmahera focused on education with Harmoni Hibualamo contextual education. Finally, towards the closing of the program, WVI is committed to economic development that focuses on the welfare of children.
On June 23, 2022, WVI's ministry program in North Halmahera was closed. The event was attended by the Regent of North Halmahera, Ir. Frans Manery who really appreciated WVI's performance at Bumi Hibualamo for 15 years. It is recorded that as many as 8,925 children and 24,622 adults have been reached by various WVI programs, while carrying out humanitarian programs both from the education sector, emergency response and in the health sector. He added that the presence of WVI as a local government’s partner has brought positive value to North Halmahera.
Although operationally it has ended, WVI will still carry out the transition process until 30 September 2022.