A Wheelchair and New Toilets for Ati

#LombokBangkitKembali - Sukriati who is usually called Ati, a woman from Sandognan sub-village, East Lombok District cannot do many things due to the physical disabilty in her legs. With this limitation, she was trying hard to evacuate when the first earthquake hit Lombok last July.
At that time Ati was relaxing in her room. In a sudden, her house was trembeled. She realized that it was an earthquake. She tried to save herself as soon as possible.
"I tried to save my life by crawling to the porch of the house. But when the second aftershock came, I immediately left the house and went away from the house using a wheelchair," said Ati, recalling the day.
A wheelchair is Ati's mainstay tools. She has her own wheelchair equipped with handlebars like bicycle which is specifically made for her. Ati often uses the wheelchair to accompany her for outside activities including going to the new toilets that is also specially built for her.
The simple toilet provided by the Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response of Wahana Visi Indonesia (WV Indonesia) is located right outside Ati's house. According to Ati, the old toilet located inside the house was damaged by the earthquake. Since the building of the new toilet, Ati and her family, including people from other sub-village, can use the toilet at any time.
"Previously, I was afraid and often held back from urinating. After the new toilet is built for me, now I do not worry at all. I can go to the toilet any time," said this 28-year-old woman.
With the current toilet, Ati is now easier to bring her wheelchair in it. She can freely use the toilet although she has some limitations.
The head of Sandongan sub-vilalge who is also still Ati’s relative said that the toilet used by Ati has now changed. Previously, the toilet was only equipped with water closet and bucket as a water reservoir. However, Ati was difficult to rely on it so the toilet was completed with additional cement to make a tub of water that could be used as a place to rest.
Not only toilets, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) also provide a water tank next to the toilet. With, the existence of water tank, everyone can continue to get water even if the electricity is off.
Angela Elisabeth as a WASH Specialist of Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response claimed, the design of the toilet provided by Wahana Visi Indonesia is a universal toilet desing. Everyonce can use it including people with disability.
“If there is a family member with a disability, the design can be adjusted according to mutual needs,” Angela explained.
Toilets are built based on mutual cooperation. WVI provides the materials and villagers must build and provide a place to build the toilet. This is a right way to encoruage community responsibilty to maintain the toilets.
Up to six months into the work period of the Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response, WV Indonesia has built 1,241 toilets from the target of 1,280 toilets spread across North Lombok and East Lombok Districts. The toilets are also equipped with a water tank with the total water tank that has been distributed now reaching 446 points (data as of 1 February 2019).
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Field Communication Officer Wahana Visi Indonesia