Violence Rate Increases, Girls' Freedom Still Needs to Be Fought

Komnas Perempuan's 2020 report shows that the number of violence against girls increased by 2,341 cases or around 65% from the previous year, and from January to October 2020 online sexual violence reached 659 cases. Meanwhile, KPAI received reports of 651 cases related to pornography and cyber-crimes throughout 2020, most of the victims were girls. This data further shows that in both the real and digital world, girls face the threat of violence.
Assistant Deputy for Special Protection for Children from Violence at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Ciput Eka Purwianti at the talk show "For Girls" which took place today (11/10/2021) said, based on the 2018 National Survey of Child and Adolescent Life Experiences, it was obtained the fact that girls experience more sexual violence than boys, both in urban and rural areas. As many as 1 in 11 girls experienced sexual violence and 1 in 17 boys.
Based on data obtained from the 2021 Vulnerability Survey conducted by Wahana Visi Indonesia on 924 children in 35 districts/cities in 9 provinces, 4.67% of children answered that sexual violence was a child protection problem that occurred in the area where they lived.
Most of the children, namely 86.65% answered wrong treatment, and the rest answered neglect and exploitation. A total of 18 households stated that their children under 18 years of age were married (13 girls, 5 boys). As many as 61% of children are known to have access to smartphones that open access to information, online education, access to reporting, but also open access to online gender-based violence, pornography, and hoaxes.
WVI National Director & CEO Angelina Theodora said collaboration is needed from all parties to deal with this situation, parents continue to protect with loving care. Access to reporting is opened as wide as possible and the follow-up mechanism is strengthened at the community level, local government to the central government. Prevention efforts from the legal side are also strengthened, especially since all parties must stop normalizing acts of violence in all aspects.
WVI invites the community to be involved in breaking the chain of violence against girls through the WVI child sponsorship program in the 1000 Girls campaign. By sponsoring one girl, society has helped girls have hope for a better life.
Find out more about the 1000 Girls campaign:
Written by: Amanda Putri, Media Relations Executive Wahana Visi Indonesia