All Homes in the Village Successfully Access Clean Water

Universal access to clean water is one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals. This is also the dream of one of WVI's assisted villages in Sekadau Regency, West Kalimantan. Access to clean water for all children and communities is one of the keys to the child well-being in the village. Moreover, access to clean water and sanitation is one of the determinants to eliminate stunting in the village.
"There used to be no water in our toilet. If I wanted to go to school, I had to walk to the river first to bathe. Sometimes I had to go to the river early in the morning. If I didn't, I would be late for school," said Roky, a six-year-old child. He lives in one of the hamlets that does not have a clean water network. Seeing this obstacle, the village government worked together with WVI to provide clean water network facilities in the hamlet.
The village government began to provide funds totalling RP 29,569,000 and carried out the construction process. The construction process of clean water facilities was carried out in mutual cooperation by the community and the Water Committee. The community also collected voluntary funds totalling RP 7,200,000 for consumption costs during the gotong royong. Although the community also had gardening duties, the gotong royong was successfully carried out every day until the construction process was completed.
When clean water finally arrived in front of the house, the children were very happy. "Because clean water facilities were built, the water has reached our house and we don't bathe in the river anymore. We have water in our toilet," said Roky cheerfully. Today, all households in the village have access to clean water. Sanitation problems are starting to be addressed so that in the future there will be no more stunted toddlers in the village.
Author: Paulus Andi (freelance for Sekadau Area Program)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)