Cash Voucher Programming Helps Fulfill Children's Nutrition and Education in Jakarta Area

Taking quick and effective steps during the pandemic situation, WVI Jakarta Program Area provides cash voucher programming (CVP) to communities in the assisted areas, especially those who are categorized as poor and vulnerable who are deeply affected by the pandemic situation. This assistance is given to the families of WVI children's representatives. About 24,065 people have benefited from the program.
Mariah, a beneficiary, felt helped the CVP. She got assistance in the form of coupons which can be used for buying daily needs.
"Yesterday I bought the voucher for rice, chicken, eggs, soap and hand sanitizer. I also bought a book for Fahira, because next year she will enter elementary school, so I just pay it in installments, because I am afraid that on the D day there will be no money,” said this mother from Rawabunga Sub-district.
Not only Mariah, but other mothers also feel the same way. The husband's uncertain income makes non-cash assistance very helpful for his family. The distribution process was felt by them to be done easily.
"It is an easy process. And the shopping location is near. Yesterday, I went shopping twice because the kids like eggs, so I bought them a lot. Hopefully, WVI will be more successful and can continue to help Indonesian children,” said Lilis, a resident of the Penjaringan Sub-district.
The CVP also provided a good moment for the vendors who worked together in the program. Amid limited income, they also benefited.
"Although the profit is small, the target market is large, and the profit can certainly help our family, for our children's school fees," said Rita, one of the vendors.
Written by: Hermawati, TP Coordinator Jakarta Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia