Celebrating National Children's Day by Listening to Children's Voices

In commemoration of National Children's Day (HAN) 2021, the representatives of children in several regions of Indonesia voiced their hopes for parents, policymakers and companions, to continue to protect children from violence and also from the transmission of Covid-19. This was explained in the 2021 Children's Festival with the theme "I Know, I Can, I'm Tough" organized by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI).
At this event, the representatives of the children conveyed various experiences when they were involved in the Child Led Research program which has been taking place since February 2021. The results of this research were then given to local governments as recommendations from children for policymaking.
For example, children from the Jakarta area expressed their rejection of all forms of violence against children in any situation and condition. They also asked all parties to work together to prevent child marriage. The results of research conducted in DKI Jakarta showed that 38.1% of children admitted to receiving harsh words from their parents during the COVID-19 pandemic, while 61.9% did not receive harsh words from their parents.
In addition, there are 75.1% of children admit to seeing the age of children who work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Working children range from being silver man 28.2%; ondel-ondel 23.8%, parking attendants 13.3%, and the rest are others such as selling online or offline, being buskers, laborers, shelling shells, and so on.
Meanwhile, from the Bengkayang area, West Kalimantan, the reporter expressed the results of research and recommendations regarding the provision of facilities and participation for children, socializing the dangers of child marriage, and facilitating children's school needs during this pandemic.
"We also recommend that the government may implement a smoke-free area, both in districts and villages, and make regulations prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to children under the age of 18," said Paskalis (17), a child from Bengkayang.
Responding to the voices of children, adults also have the opportunity to convey their commitment. Previously, WVI has also distributed a child protection commitment form that can be filled out by anyone at the link: bit.ly/komitmenlindungianak. As of Friday (23/7/2021), as many as 488 people are committed to preventing and assisting children in child marriage problems.
A total of 488 people committed to efforts to prevent and respond to children experiencing violence, whether physical, mental, or sexual. A total of 486 people committed to getting the COVID-19 vaccine and complying with health protocols to protect the children around them.
Happy National Children's Day 2021!
Children protected, Success for Indonesia!
Written by: Amanda Putri, Media Relations Executive Wahana Visi Indonesia