Children's Story: Regeneration Starts from Me

My name is Fitri, and I am 18 years old. I am currently in grade 3 high school. Usually, after school, I help my mother in doing housework and also assignments from school. After that, I usually fill my spare time by helping relatives sell food until the evening. My daily activities felt monotonous, until one day a friend invited me to attend a child's forum meeting with Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI).
I know WVI very well. It because I was the representative of WVI children in 2010. Unfortunately, I had to quit the WVI child sponsorship program in 2016 because I had to move to other places. It was amazing when it turned out that I was reunited with WVI because WVI serves and accompanies the children in my village.
Since then, I have returned to join the child's forum. Through that meetings, I learned many things, such as how to monitor children and their peers so that their rights can be fulfilled. In addition, we also received life skills training to support children's growth and development. As a beneficiary who has benefited before, I am willing to take part in helping children in my village.
My friends and I were also allowed to facilitate Child Learning Grup. This is the mentoring activity for children in early childhood and elementary school age, in learning the rights and protection of children. The purpose of this activity is apart from being a forum for the Children's Forum to learn many things about Child Rights and Protection where to report when faced with violence, through this activity, we can also practice public speaking.
Seeing and hearing the changes that occur in children and even among the social volunteers who are accompanying children, encourages me to take part in this process. I am committed to assisting children and participating in WVI assistance to improve the children's abilities and my personal development as a companion.
Making an impact takes time and commitment. Dreams encourage us to work, it's just that our intention must be strengthened for the sake of a bright future for the nation. Regeneration is important and regeneration starts from me!
Written based on interviews with children by: Novie Mparesi, Field Facilitator of Sigi Palu Donggala Area Program Wahana Visi Indonesia