Commitment That Begins with Training

The training on Child Rights and CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) conducted by Wahana Visi Indonesia for the South Nias Program Area for child protection cadres in the South Nias Regency has moved the hearts of many people to make changes in their respective villages. This is recognized by Aswinar, one of the child protection cadres who are members of the Child-Friendly Village Task Force Cluster 5-Special Protection (GT DLA 5).
Aswinar used to have not understood children's rights and child protection. However, after attending this training, she understood the importance of child protection, especially the fulfillment of children's rights.
"There are many benefits of a material that can be received in this training, so I feel that this material should be delivered in each village so that children do not experience violence and children can grow well," said Aswinar.
Aswinar said he felt sad and at the same time burdened with making changes because there are still many children who are still being abused. For this reason, Aswinar is committed to conveying the material he has obtained to residents in his village. She saw that only a few people understand child protection and the fulfillment of children's rights.
"Hopefully, through socialization, there will be more adults who understand about child protection and the fulfillment of children's rights and then want to protect and fulfill children's rights, so that children are protected and do not experience violence again," she concluded.
Written by: Bethsaida Sinaga, CESP Coordinator South Nias Program Wahana Visi Indonesia