New Nutrition Garden for Our Family

Asmat Regency is known as a swampy area with high tide, so the people could not do so many activities such as gardening. If the tide is high, the beds: a place for planted vegetables, will be submerged in water. However, the mothers in the area still eager to make a nutrition garden for the family.
In the initial, 18 women join in the making of nutrition garden activity. They hope that the nutrition garden can be increasing the nutrition quality for their families, especially children. They are the mothers who stay in the assisted village area of the WVI Asmat Hope program in Jetsy village.
To make this happen, WVI collaborates with Pastor Paroki St. Fransiskus Asisi Warse. The land for the nutrition garden is given by the pastor to support the activity.
The effort of the mothers is not in vain. Even they experienced bad weather along the process, but the results are worthy. As a form of gratitude for this condition, the mothers decided to cook the harvest result together in the hall of Pastoral Paroki Warse.
They were cooking kale and long beans. All mothers and children were happy and enjoy the moment. The harvest results were also tasted by other family members. By seeking good results, some other families were motivated to make their garden.
“I would thank WVI who taught us to make the nutrition garden. Now children can eat the vegetables and we also already have another ten beds besides our home to plant the vegetables. I already planted the long beans, mustard greens, and chili,” said Noberta, a mother who join the making of nutrition garden activity.
The program in Asmat Regency is still running. After the outbreak that happened a few years ago, WVI is still assisting the communities and children so they can live to their fullest.
Written by: Solfriamus Dasman, Health Officer Asmat HOPE, Wahana Visi Indonesia