Contribution of Children in Preventing Violence Against Children

One day in September 2020, Lestari (15 yo), a child from Kubu Raya Regency, received the results of the Children's Voice research during the Covid-19 Pandemic conducted by Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI). Lestari was shocked to see the data she received that day, which made her want to move for other children who experienced violence.
The results of this study revealed an increase in cases of violence against children, both physical, emotional, and sexual. Cases of sexual violence have increased significantly and are mostly carried out by the people closest to the child.
“I want to do something to reduce cases of violence, at least in my area. However, I don't know where to start, until in early October, we, the Ambawang Children's Forum administrators, were facilitated by WVI to join forces with the members of the Kubu Raya District Children's Forum to initiate a webinar on preventing sexual violence against children for children in throughout West Kalimantan,” said Lestari.
The Deputy Secretary of the Ambawang Children's Forum also explained that even though every stage in preparing the webinar on Preventing Child Sexual Exploitation was conducted online, she and her friends at the children's forum were still excited to make the event a success.
Lestari and her friends often get assistance from the WVI West Kalimantan Zonal team starting from the coordination meeting and conveying opinions between fellow committees. Everything was done by Lestari and the other children with enthusiasm and confidence to free West Kalimantan children from sexual violence. Until finally, Lestari and her team succeeded in collaborating with competent speakers at the provincial level to present data and make children and the community aware of the phenomenon of violence during the pandemic.
"I hope that what we are doing can make a difference for children in West Kalimantan to be free from acts of sexual violence. I am Lestari, I want to continue to contribute to preventing cases of sexual violence against children in the West Kalimantan region,” she concluded.
Written by: Widiyanto Kristiawan, CESPC Kubu Raya Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia
Photo by: Yoel Setiawan, Child Protection Specialist Wahana Visi Indonesia