CVP Assistance for Residents Affected by Seroja Tropical Cyclone

After the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has not ended, Indonesia, especially the area in East Sumba, was again hit by Hurricane Seroja.
The tropical that occurred last April had an awful impact on the residents’ economy of East Sumba, especially the Kotak Kawau area, which is also an assisted area for the Indonesia COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency Response (I-COPE) project.
In response to this, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), through the I-COPE project funded by the European Union, provided CVP (Cash Voucher Program) assistance in the form of food supplies and building materials.
Uru, one of the CVP recipients, felt delighted, grateful and thankful to WVI because with CVP’s assistance, she was able to reduce the damages caused by Tropical Cyclone Seroja last time.
Not only that, Uru also uses CVP for the survival of her family during this pandemic. She explained that the CVP she obtained could be exchanged for food supplies in the form of rice, green beans, eggs and building materials such as woven bamboo, nails, zinc, which the vendor would deliver directly to her house.
“I really hope that the WVI assistance that I have received does not end here. I hope WVI will continue to pay attention to us as residents affected by COVID-19 and Seroja Tropical Cyclone by providing basic food assistance and other assistance. I hope that WVI will continue to be facilitated and run well in planning all work programs as an effort to help the residents and me in the Kotak Kawau area and elsewhere,” she concluded.
Written by: Paulus Moka, ICOPE Project Coordinator
Translated by: Klaudia Mawuntu, Intern Wahana Visi Indonesia
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Wahana Visi Indonesia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union