Effective Solutions for National Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic

#BersamaMelawanCovid19 - It has been seven months that the Indonesian people have been living in a situation with the Covid-19 pandemic. Educators and the community continue to carry out adaptations in the field of education. The government has not stayed silent and has embraced many parties in order to create solutions for this sector, but has it been effective?
Several speakers in the BUMN Web seminar series 4 entitled Effective Solutions for National Education in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era, which was held on Tuesday (6/10/2020), conveyed the various solutions that were carried out to support national education to continue to run effectively. WVI, represented by Doseba Sinay as CEO & National Director of WVI, also explained various efforts to embrace the education sector during the pandemic.
According to Doseba, WVI is still actively supporting the education of Indonesian children in various ways, such as assistance for children's access to learning, children's psychosocial-recreational activities, strengthening children's forums, increasing the capacity of teachers, supporting learning from home, and supporting policies.
"We chose several areas that really need it, and we see that the ones who really need it are NTT, West Kalimantan, North Maluku, Central Sulawesi, West Papua, and Papua ... We are really looking for those who need them most," he explained.
Minister of Education Nadiem Makarim, who attended the seminar, also expressed his appreciation for the enthusiasm and hard work of the nation's children to bring learning to life during a pandemic.
"That spirit inspires the Ministry of Education and Culture to continue to provide an equitable education so that children in all corners of the country can experience adequate education and facilities to support their future," he said.
Effective solutions for national education can be achieved through collaboration, innovation, and motivation from various sectors and lines. By carrying out these three things, it is hoped that Indonesian education during the pandemic will no longer be fumbling. The demographic bonus is in sight, if we are not the ones who continue to strive for it, we certainly cannot achieve this together.
Written by: Putri ianne Barus, Communications Officer of Wahana Visi Indonesia