Empowering the Next Generation: Elin's Leadership in the Jakarta Child Forum

The transformation of Child Forum members is closely linked to the active role of facilitators. Facilitators who routinely enrich themselves with new knowledge will bring greater change to the children who are members of the Forum. One such Child Forum facilitator who has a heart and initiates change in children is Elin. This 27-year-old woman always maintains her enthusiasm for learning new things, for the sake of the development of the Child Forum she facilitates.
Through the STARLET (Enhancing Social Rehabilitation Support for the Vulnerable Youth in Indonesia) project, Elin gained new insights that she could share with the children. Elin said, "Initially, when we were having a Child Forum meeting, one of the FKDM (Community Early Warning Forum) in the village said that there would be a Life Skills ToT and I was very interested in joining at that time. Besides because I like to learn new things, I also intend to bring the materials I received to be implemented by the younger members of the Child Forum that I facilitate."
The STARLET project is supported by PMC-KOICA which consists of World Vision Korea (WVK), Korea Institute for Development Strategy (KDS), and ReBach International. After producing a Life Skill module, the WVI team as the implementer trained the module for facilitators of children and youth in Jakarta. These activities also partner with the local Social Services Department.
"Before I took the life skills training, there were many materials that I didn't understand, and I was still lacking in terms of presenting material or public speaking. Thanks to taking the ToT and facilitating life skills in the village and two schools, I am getting better at delivering material, I am also more relaxed when I shared the materials, and I can easily read the class situation," said Elin.
Elin herself has known WVI since she was a child. Initially, she participated as a participant in the Sahabat Sumber Informasi (SSI) training in 2011 and continued to become a member of the Jatinegara Child Forum. As one of the active members, Elin was exposed into children's rights. This insight and awareness of the importance of children's rights has brought positive changes in herself. Therefore, now Elin supports the children in her area to feel the same change.
"I hope that children and youths will grow up in a safe, loving, and supportive environment, where they feel heard, valued, and loved by their families, friends, and communities. Children and youths can also develop emotional intelligence, social skills, and the ability to manage their emotions. So that they can face life's challenges with resilience and balance," said Elin.
Having graduated as a child who has experience a transformation, Elin is now also taking part in continuing the transformation of children in her area. She even continues to optimize her potential with various kinds of training, including life skills. She feels that insights into life skills will answer the problems of today's generation. The baton of change that Elin carries out not only provides benefits but also guarantees the sustainability of the fulfilment of the rights of the children who live around her.
Author: Yanti (Life Skill Specialist, STARLET project)
Editor: Mariana Kurniawati (Communication Executive)