Getting to Know Covid-19 from Folding Fan

The Covid-19 pandemic is still a problem today. Unfortunately, there are still many people who do not have a correct understanding of this pandemic. This makes people vulnerable to misinformation, which makes them no longer believe in the pandemic situation that is happening. Moreover, the sources of information provided by the government and health facilities are still limited, especially in Maba Tengah District, East Halmahera Regency.
Explaining information about Covid-19 to the public, especially to children, is quite challenging. For this reason, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) East Halmahera Program Area develops information, communication, and education (IEC) media that are unique and interesting for children.
One of them is by making IEC media in the form of a hand fan that can be used anytime and anywhere. This fan is easy to read so that people can continue to be exposed to the messages in it. The message about Covid-19 in the fan was conveyed in the local language. The IEC media has been distributed in several posyandu and churches.
Given (6), a child of a posyandu cadre in Maba Tengah District is one of the children who received this hand fan. Nadira, her mother admitted that she felt helped to explain the Covid-19 information to her child using the hand fan.
"This folding fan is nice, the material is strong, the size fits anywhere. Given loves to bring it to church. He also likes the colors and the graphics on the fan. It makes it easy for me to explain Covid-19 to him, especially it uses the local language for the message, so it's easier to understand,” explained Nadira.
Various activities to prevent Covid-19 are still being carried out by WVI in all assisted areas. Socialization activities and the distribution of IEC materials have also continued to this day.
Written by: Kornelius Eko Krismanto, Field Facilitator East Halmahera Program Area Wahana Visi Indonesia