Experienced Violence, Ramadan Leads EVAC Campaign

Ramadan, the Deputy Chair of the Village Child's Forum (Forades), in one of the villages in Sambas Regency has just been elected as the Leader of the EVAC (End Violence Against Children) Campaign. This is the first campaign conducted and led by children in the sub-district where Ramadan lives. This is one of the many great experiences he has had while being an assisted child of Wahana Visi Indonesia.
At that time, Ramadan gave a speech in front of invited participants consisting of the regent, Koramil representatives, members of the Teluk Keramat Police, village leaders, and representatives from the P2A task force from 25 villages in Teluk Keramat District. This activity received a very good appreciation, especially from the Head of the Teluk Keramat sub-district.
The support became even stronger after the Teluk Keramat District Head issued a Circular to 25 villages throughout the Teluk Keramat District to conduct the PKTA Campaign simultaneously in their respective villages. Ramadan hopes that children will no longer experience violence, especially in the family, as he had felt before.
"At first I felt nervous when I spoke in front of the village heads who were present, but Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly," said Ramadan happy.
Being the chairman of the committee for the Campaign for the Elimination of Violence Against Children is a mandate from his friends in the committee. Ramadan, who is still in high school, has just served as vice chairman of the Forades. Even so, he was happy to have the opportunity to convey many things related to child protection to the participants.
Ramadan himself admitted that he had experienced physical violence in the family, and it was still etched in his memory. He hopes that the government can intensify the EVAC campaign to the village and household levels to protect children.
Now Ramadan is no longer experiencing this violence, even more, he is supported by the family to be active in forades and sub-district activities.
“This activity in the children's forum is very fun. We became a lot of friends," he admitted.
Ramadan said he was ready to continue campaigning for EVAC in his environment, both through social media and in his daily behavior.
Written by: Kori Kornelia, Sponsorship Officer of the Sambas Area Program Wahana Visi Indonesia