First Pregnancy Experience

Being a housewife is a new thing for Musdalifa, who just started a married life a year ago. At this time Musdalifa is pregnant with her first child.
Musdalifa is one of the pregnant women assisted by Wahana Visi Indonesia through the Eggciting project supported by DSM and SightLife. At the beginning of her pregnancy, there were so many worries that she felt when she was 2 months pregnant, namely regarding the consumption of eggs in pregnant women. However, by taking a pregnant mother class, Musdalifa felt relief in undergoing her first pregnancy.
"I have gained a lot of new knowledge during the class for pregnant women, especially since this is my first pregnancy," she said in an interview.
She admitted that she heard various myths in the village related to consuming excessive eggs. People say, eating too many eggs can cause allergies in children. However, after gaining an understanding of nutrition for children and pregnant women by regularly consuming eggs every day, Musdalifa became more confident in providing the best for her baby.
“I am grateful to Wahana Visi Indonesia for conducting a pregnant women class where I got knowledge about pregnancy and information about eggs. Now I eat one egg every day," she said.
Musdalifa hopes that WVI can still reach more people so that more people will understand the importance of maintaining the nutrition of pregnant women and children.
Written by: Gladys Piscilia Esrom, PJI staff of Eggciting Project Wahana Visi Indonesia