Great Tutors to Support Children's Development

Pelita Bunda PAUD (Early Childhood Care and Development) is an investment in the future of Lengkong Nyadom Village in Melawi Regency. Although it just formed in 2021, this PAUD has the hope of supporting optimal growth and development for children in Lengkong Nyadom Village. One of the ways to do this is by equipping PAUD tutors.
A great PAUD tutor can make learning fun and meaningful. Tutors can also see the abilities of each child so that children can bring out their potential, and optimal growth and development of children.
Vera (28), one of Pelita Bunda's PAUD tutors, feels grateful to be able to get training to become a better tutor. Vera received various PAUD PAUD training organized by the government of Lengkong Nyadom Village and Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI).
“I can increase my capacity, how to make RPPH, RPPM, know what the terms KI, KD, and HI PAUD are. Understanding KI 1 – 4 and APE as learning media,” said Vera.
Vera admitted that the knowledge she got from the training was new. Vera and other tutors now understand the concept of “Learning through Play” which should be done in PAUD classes. Not only that, but Vera also learned about child care and parenting.
"Indirectly, I who act like a housewife and also a PAUD tutor get a lot of understanding for early childhood parenting," she said.
The training for PAUD tutors is expected to be a provision for tutors and parents to be responsible for providing a conducive and child-friendly environment to produce the best children from Lengkong Nyadom Village.
Written by: Staff of Area Program Melawi Sintang, Wahana Visi Indonesia