Green Living in Climate-Friendly Village

Jusmiati, 47, is a housewife and a member of the Rambutan Women Farmers Group (KWT Rambutan) in Paladang village, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi province assisted by Mondelez International and Wahana Visi Indonesia through the Cocoa Life Program. She learned many things with KWT Rambutan including environmental awareness.
Previously, Jusmiati never thought that she would really care about the environment in the village. In the past, it was common for people in her village to burn trashes and throw household and plantation trash in the yard. Also, garbages were scattered and not properly managed because there was no adequate garbage disposal place. The village environment also looks arid because the people did not like to grow plants around their houses. Clean water and sanitation also became major problems for the villagers where Jusmiati lives because the springs were poorly maintained and not all residents had latrines.
This issue was the concern of Wahana Visi Indonesia through the Cocoa Life program supported by Mondelez International. In collaboration with the Environmental Agency of Enrekang Regency, the socialization of the Climate Village Program (PROKLIM) was carried out in Paladang village. The Paladang village government supported the implementation of the program. As the result, the program could continue because there have been many positive changes in the community as a result of the Cocoa Life program including the behavioral changes among the cocoa farming community for environmental preservation.
The knowledge of the people in Paladang village including Jusmiati increased after the socialization of PROKLIM. They started to use the yard for farming and paid attention to the cleanliness of the surrounding environment.
“I am very happy because we can take advantage of the yard by planting various kinds of vegetables, family medicinal plants to meet daily needs so we don't have to go to the market anymore,” said Jusmiati happily.
Now, there are no longer people who throw and burn garbage carelessly because there is already a garbage hole made at the back of each resident's house. Besides, the residents also learn how to manage organic waste into organic fertilizer.
The sanitation of the residents of Paladang Village is also now well maintained. Every household now has a proper toilet. The cleanliness of livestock, such as chicken cages, is now well-groomed and clean. Therefore, it is not surprising that last year, Paladang Village was successful in following the PROKLIM village selection process at the Enrekang regency level.
Written by: Rena Tanjung dan Munawarsyah, Wahana Visi Indonesia