A Shelter for Asniwati

#LombokBangkitKembali - Asniwati (40 yo) is a widow who is one of the hundreds of beneficiaries of temporary shelter in the North Lombok Regency. Asniwati spends her days as a broomstick maker. She does it to get income for the family.
The process of making a broomstick, from collecting coconut leaves to a broomstick takes 3 days. In 3 days Asniwati was only able to make 10 bunch of broomsticks. The broomstick is valued for IDR 1,000/bunch and Asniwati would sell it to collectors.
"I make broomsticks every day. I usually go to the field looking for coconut leaves to make about ten brunches. Sometimes we rarely get coconut leaves and only get five bunches. We sold to collectors with the price IDR 1,000,” said the mother of two.
Currently, Asniwati lives in the shelter with Basri (her father) and also her daughter who is currently still in the third grade of elementary school. She was very grateful to get this temporary shelter from Wahana Visi Indonesia because previously she lived in a hut made from woven bamboo, with a coconut leaf roof. It was not feasible to be a place for living.
"Thank God Wahana Visi Indonesia gave me a house, if there were no houses, it might have been the rainy season like now. I would be cold the house would leak. But thanks to Wahana Visi now I live in a decent house, no longer cold, no leaking. Alhamdulillah," she said happily.
The shelter that Asniwati received was the result of a collaboration between Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) together with Deutschland Aktion Hilft (ADH) for the construction of 426 shelters in 15 sub-villages in Sokong Betumping Village, North Lombok Regency.
Written by: Zara Fitria, Accountability Officer of Lombok Earthquake Emergency Response Wahana Visi Indonesia